meet my dolls title

blank instax

doll name title

clementine in a tree

Character Name:


Character Age:


Fairyland Littlefee Bisou




YoSD 25cm


26th June



Star Sign:


Doll Notes

Ever since I saw my girlfriend's Littlefee Bisou I have wanted to get one myself. I resisted the temptation for ages, because I wasn't sure how one would fit in with my other dolls, and I didn't want a random floating doll that didn't belong in any universe. However, when someone I know locally was selling his for a great price, I just had to buy him! The seller was leaving the BJD hobby and this Littlefee was the last thing in his collection. Last minute, he also offered me the winking Ante faceplate for free! How could I say no! Littlefees have such great posability and are such a portable size. I can't wait to take mine out and about with me on adventures.

Character Notes

When I created the character of Marigold, she was going to have a younger sister called Clementine. I decided to bring back that character idea in the form of a little brother for her instead. Marigold and Clementine recently lost their mother, leaving Marigold to be Clementine's guardian.

Clementine loves wizards, fairies and all other fantasy themed things. He loves Marigold and her friends to read him fantasy stories and play games with him. His favourite book series is Lizard Wizard.

clementine pointing at a lizard
clementine pointing at a lizard 2
clementine standing on a table
clementine sitting on a table

Made by Mermaidgrey and TroubleInTheMessageCentre