meet my dolls title

milly instax

milly title

milly profile pic

Character Name:

Millicent AKA Milly

Character Age:



Dollzone Vampire Yuri






10th October



Star Sign:



Bi, Demi

Doll Notes

I dyed Milly using Rit Dyemore in Tropical Teal. Here are some printable instructions if you want to try this yourself! page 1. page 2 One tip I didn't mention in the instructions is that when the piece is in the dye, keep it moving to get a more even colour. The newer and less yellow a doll is, the better the dye will take. Older dolls with uneven yellowing, like Milly, will have a less even dye, so it might take some experimenting to get it how you want. Personally, I rather like the motled look that Milly has in some areas, I think it gives a more 'alive' feel.

Character Notes

Milly is a fine art student at Newbridge university. She is adopted and knows nothing about her heritage, but suspects that she's at least part gutter ghoul, due to her unsual green complexion.

At school, she is working on a project involving various diferent kinds of moss and encouraging them to grow on all sorts of sculptures, paintings and photographs.

Around people she is unfamiliar with, Milly is very quiet, often saying nothing at all. However, around people she is comfortble with, she is very chatty, making lots of silly jokes and puns.

She likes to give little gifts to her friends, often things she's made herself, like bracelets or art pieces. She has a soft, gentle speaking voice and loves to sing, though never as a performance. She will often sing to herself as she makes her art, forgetting that people can hear her.

milly in bed
milly reading
milly's hat
milly sunbathing
shin and milly smoking
shin and milly smoking
shin and milly smoking
shin and milly smoking

Made by Mermaidgrey and TroubleInTheMessageCentre