meet my dolls title

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Novi Stars

In some ways, Novi Stars feel like the doll I've been waiting for my whole childhood. Alien girls with colourful hair and skin are something I always spent lots of time drawing and creating characters of, so I was so excited when I first saw them! Before they soared in price, a friend of mine was getting rid of all of hers, so she sold them to me for a great deal! I also got a couple of cheap ones on ebay. Unfortunately Novi Stars plastic can be quite fragile, and one of mine broke when I posed her on my shelf. I took this oppurtunity however to hybrid a couple of them onto Monster High bodies and now I love them more than ever! I think this way they give the vibe of aliens trying to pass as regular human girls, which is pretty relatable. Now I like to keep a look out for cheap, damaged Novi stars so that I can rescue them and make more hybrids.

atai instax
zori instax

"Orbit Beach" Mae Talic


"Curl 'N Coil" Tily Vizon


"Curl 'N Coil" Tily Vizon


"Curl 'N Coil" Roe Botik


Made by Mermaidgrey and TroubleInTheMessageCentre